People of company.
Si-teX based on IT specialists of Chernobyl NPP's Information & measuring system laboratory . Our staff includes software, network and hardware engineers with 4-20 years experience.
While working on large projects we are able to bring in additional consultants from the large pool of highly qualified professionals.
Some examples:
Moscow Engineer and Physics Institute, Moscow Russia. Department "Automation and Electronics".
Tomsk State University, Tomsk Russia. Department "Informatica".
Kiev Engineering Institute, Kiev, Ukraine. Department "Automatic management systems".
Sevastopol Deviceengineering Institute, Crimea, Ukraine. Department "Cybernetics and computing equipment"
Additional training
MTM Productivity Study Tour, Center for Economic Initiatives, USA
Brookhaven National Laboratory, GSE Systems, USA
ISO normative in software development. CORE2 Consult GmbH, Germany
Realtime database technology. Virtual local network IVL Equipment & Engineering Ltd, Kiev, Ukraine.
Foreing language skills
Russian, English, Ukrainian