Make your CRM Contact Manager only for $20!
Have you ever heard about Call Center? And what about Customer Relationship Management? Do you think it is something extra expensive and complicated?
From this moment not!
- Personal customizable data warehouse for database marketing
- Unique database structure: you can add any (!) number of the description fields
- Super fast search by person names or contact phone numbers
- Dialing phone numbers directly from the program using a modem
- Auto launching of default browser or email to a contact's site
- Plug-ins (new!): you can attach to application additional functions designed specially for your needs
- Data Wizard (one of available plug-ins) to generate a quick report and to export
your data to any database or office software application.
- Easy access to the database via ADO.
- Powerful help in HTML format.
If you have your phone just by your PC...
If you often use them both...
...then it's for you!
(Click HERE for details)
Business is about creating and maintaining customer relationships. But what is a relationship? It means communication. Do you wish to know how to build great Customer Relationships with our software? Read our ARTICLE.
Or read our SCENARIOS. And compare how often you find yourself in such cases.
You have a phone and a computer and don't have iReferent Light until now?
It is incredible!
This is like riding on a car without a spare tire. Yes, you can go far away. But if you puncture the tire within several miles to the destination? You'll lose time, you'll lose money, and maybe you'll lose your lucky chance. Who knows?
But we don't wish to waste your time in vain. Just download YOUR CONTACT MANAGER now (file size is 1,534 Mb, 30 days free trial) and estimate this yourself.
Don't forget to register iReferent Light. How?
CLICK HERE for details.
P.S. You can find out about other our products if you CLICK HERE.