What is iZoomMouse?
iZoomMouse is a tiny program for viewing the screen area in different zooms.
It was specially designed for legally blind and elderly persons who uses computers.
Unlike other similar programs iZoomMouse maintains a zoomed image of the area
directly under its screen.
And best of all it allows users to have full control of "alien" windows:
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Latest news
iZoomMouse v 1.02 finally released..!
November 26th, 2005
iZoomMouse v 1.01 finally released..!
November 6th, 2005
iZoomMouse v 1.00 finally released..!
October 4th, 2005
My sincere gratitude to Keith for the idea of this software.
iZoomMouse downloading
Don't hesitate to
it right away..
(file size is 355 kb, it's free to try)
iZoomMouse registering
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