Quick Folders – quick access to your favorite and recent folders. Rus / Eng
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Quick Folders

What is Quick Folders?

Quick Folders is useful tool for quick access to your favorite and recent folders. With Quick Folders tool you do not need to expand each time the same multi-level folders structure to reach your files. All you need is to add new items in a list of your favorite folders, like you do in the Internet browser. As to recent folders – it will be done automatically.

How does it work with Quick Folders?

Click on Quick Folders icon in system tray, the list of predefined folders will appear in popup menu. One more click and selected folder open will be opened with Windows Explorer.

You can use [Add folder…] button to add new folder in the list or open Recent folders submenu to select recently accessed folder.

Left mouse click on Quick Folders icon opens tool menu where you can configure your personal settings, get access to help or close this tool.

What do you need to use Quick Folders tool?

Just download and install it to your computer.
You can do it from our Products Download Page or use direct link.
Click here to see more screen shot

What does it cost?

This version of Quick Folders tool is freeware and you can use it at no cost. We want to underline that this tool is not adware/spyware – it is complete software without any other “additional services”.

Any way keeping Quick Folders alive cost us some money. We welcome any of your donations, either by direct donation or by registering any of our other software. Thank you very much in advance.
How to donate?

Please visit this page for details.